在Web Service中实现Transaction

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  web在Web Service中实现Transaction
.Net Framework为类,WebForm和WebService提供了事务处理功能。
.NET Framework使得这一切变得很简单,事实上我们不用在组件服务中作任何事,这一切都是自动完成的。对WebService来说,.NET Framework用Enterprise Services(COM+的替代者)来管理事务,而无需创建一个COM+包。所有管理事务状态的工作都是在幕后完成的。
1)在 [WebMethod()]属性中指定transaction的类型。如[ WebMethod ( false, TransactionOption.RequiresNew) ]
TransactionOption.Disabled    Ignore    any transaction in the current context.
TransactionOption.NotSupported    Create    the component in a context with no governing transaction.
TransactionOption.Supported    Share    a transaction if one exists; create a new transaction if necessary.
TransactionOption.Required    Create    the component with a new transaction, regardless of the state of the current context.
TransactionOption.RequiresNew    Share    a transaction if one exists.
由此我们可以看出在Web Service中实现Transaction的一点特殊性,即Transaction属性是应用于WebMethod上的。这意味着在webservice中只有设置了TransactionOption后才会应用事务。
   //Update the balances:
   //If an Account.Balance goes below 0,
   //an exception is thrown by the Account object
   _credit.Balance  = _actDB.getBalance ( _credit.ID );
   _debit.Balance  = _actDB.getBalance ( _debit.ID );
//Catch the exception from the Account object
catch ( Exception ex )

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.EnterpriseServices;

namespace Michael.WebServiceTrans
    public class FinancialUtil : System.Web.Services.WebService
        //Create a class-level instance of the AccountDB class
        Michael.Data.AccountDB _actDB = new Michael.Data.AccountDB();
        [ WebMethod ( false, TransactionOption.RequiresNew ) ]
        [ AutoComplete ]
        public Decimal[] TransferMoney ( Decimal _amount,
                                                        String _fromActNum,
                                                        String _toActNum )
            Account _debit = new Account ( _fromActNum );
            Account _credit = new Account ( _toActNum );
             Decimal[] _array = new Decimal[2];
            _actDB.debitOrCreditAccount ( true, _credit.ID, _amount);
            _actDB.debitOrCreditAccount ( false, _debit.ID, _amount );

            {          _credit.Balance  = _actDB.getBalance ( _credit.ID );    
                _debit.Balance  = _actDB.getBalance ( _debit.ID );
            catch ( Exception ex )
                throw (new System.Exception ( ex.Message ) );
            //Return the new balances in the array
            _array[0] = _debit.Balance;
            _array[1] = _credit.Balance;
            return _array;

        public DataSet GetAllAccountNumbers ()
            return _actDB.getAllAccountNums();
//*********** VISUAL STUDIO DESIGNER CODE **************//
        public FinancialUtil()
        #region Component Designer generated code
        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()

        protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )


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