C# 绘图--金刚石

80酷酷网    80kuku.com

C# 绘图--金刚石



// DrawDiamond.cs by Flycrane


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

class DrawDiamond : Form




Application.Run( new DrawDiamond() );


public DrawDiamond()


Text= "金刚石图案-Flycrane";

BackColor= Color.Black;

ForeColor= Color.White;

ResizeRedraw= true;

Width= 400;

Height= 400;


protectedoverridevoid OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)


Graphics myGraphics= e.Graphics;

Pen myPen= new Pen( ForeColor,2 );

float radius= (float) ( Width/2.2 );

constint partitionNum= 25;

float angleUnit= (float) ( 2*Math.PI/partitionNum );

float[] circleX= newfloat[partitionNum];

float[] circleY= newfloat[partitionNum];

// center of the circle.

float originX=ClientSize.Width/2;

float originY=ClientSize.Height/2;

//store coordinates of the nodes on the circle verge.

for ( int i=0;i<partitionNum;i++ )


circleX[i]= (float) ( radius*Math.Cos( i*angleUnit ) ) + originX;

circleY[i]= (float) ( radius*Math.Sin( i*angleUnit ) ) + originY;


//link nodes on the circle verge.

for ( int i=0;i<=partitionNum-2;i++ )


for ( int j=i+1;j<=partitionNum-1;j++ )

myGraphics.DrawLine( myPen,circleX[i],circleY[i],circleX[j],circleY[j] );




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