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国际贸易 International Trade

商务部 Ministry of Commerce

销售收入 sales revenue

海外利润 overseas profit

走出去 going global

良好的经商环境 a favorable business climate

开展国际业务 explore international business

经贸关系 trade and economic relationship

扩大内需 expand domestic demand

拉动经济增长 boost economic growth

市场份额 market share

经济总量 economic aggregate

双边贸易投资 bilateral trade and investment

人均国民生产总值 Per Capital GNP

双向驼子 two-way investment

人均收入 per capital income

平稳较快发展 stable and relatively fast growth

完善的基础设施 well-established infrastructure

第二大贸易伙伴 the second largest trading partner

互利双赢 mutually-beneficial and win-win

反倾销 anti-dumping

关贸总协定 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

特殊保障机制 Special Safeguard Mechanism

取消补贴 elimination of subsidies

降低关税 tariffs reduction


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