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date academy awards best picture golden globes best motion picture
2002 美丽心灵(beautiful mind, a) beautiful mind, a
2001 角斗士(gladiator) (73) gladiator (2000)
2000 美国丽人(american beauty) american beauty (1999)
1999 莎翁情史(shakespeare in love) saving private ryan (1998)
1998 泰坦尼克(titanic) (70) titanic (1997)
1997 英国病人(english patient) english patient, the (1996)
1996 勇敢的心(braveheart) sense and sensibility (1995)
1995 阿甘正传(forrest gump) forrest gump (1994)
1994 辛德勒的名单(schindler[*]s list) schindler[*]s list (1993)
1993 杀无赦(unforgiven) scent of a woman (1992)
1992 沉默的羔羊(silence of lambs) bugsy (1991)
1991 与狼共舞(dances with wolves) dances with wolves (1990)
1990 为戴茜小姐开车(driving miss daisy) born on the fourth of july (1989)
1989 雨人(rain man) rain man (1988)
1988 末代皇帝(last emperor)(60) last emperor, the (1987)
1987 野战排(platoon) platoon (1986)
1986 走出非洲(out of africa) out of africa (1985)
1985 莫扎特(amadeus) amadeus (1984)
1984 母女情深(terms of endearment) terms of endearment (1983)
1983 甘地传(gandhi) e.t the extra-terrestrial (1982)
1982 烈火战车(chariots of fire) on golden pond (1981)
1981 普通人(ordinary people) ordinary people (1980)
1980 克莱默夫妇(kramer vs kramer) kramer vs kramer (1979)
1979 猎鹿人(deer hunter) midnight express (1978)
1978 安妮-霍尔(annie hall)(50) turning point, the (1977)
1977 洛奇(rocky) rocky (1976)
1976 飞越疯人院(one flew over the cuckoo[*]s nest) one flew over the cuckoo[*]s nest
1975 教父2(godfather: part ii) chinatown (1974)
1974 骗中骗(sting) exorcist, the (1973)
1973 教父(godfather) godfather, the (1972)
1972 法国贩毒网(french connection) french connection, the (1971)
1971 巴顿将军(patton) love story (1970)
1970 午夜牛郎(midnight cowboy) anne of the thousand days (1969)
1969 奥利佛! (oliver!) lion in winter, the (1968)
1968 炎热的夜晚(in the heat of the night)(40) in the heat of the night (1967)
1967 四季之人(a man for all seasons) man for all seasons, a (1966)
1966 音乐之声(the sound of music) doctor zhivago (1965)
1965 窈窕淑女(my fair lady) becket (1964)
1964 汤姆-琼斯(tom jones) cardinal, the (1963)
1963 阿拉伯的劳伦斯(lawrence of arabia) lawrence of arabia (1962)
1962 西区故事(west side story) guns of navarone, the (1961)
1961 桃色公寓(the apartment) spartacus (1960)
1960 宾虚(ben-hur) ben-hur (1959)
1959 金粉世界(gigi) defiant ones, the (1958)
1958 桂河大桥(bridge on the river kwai)  bridge on the river kwai, the
1957 环游地球八十天(around the world in 80 days) around the world in eighty days
1956 马蒂(marty) east of eden (1955)
1955 码头风云(on the waterfront) on the waterfront (1954)
1954 乱世忠魂(from here to enternity) robe, the (1953)
1953 戏中之王(the greatest show on earth) greatest show on earth, the
1952 花都艳舞(american in paris) place in the sun, a (1951)
1951 彗星美人(all about eve) sunset blvd (1950)
1950 当代奸雄( all the king[*]s men) all the king[*]s men (1949)
1949 王子复仇记(hamlet) johnny belinda (1948)treasure of the sierra madre, the
1948 君子协定(gentlemen[*]s agreement)(20) gentleman[*]s agreement (1947)
1947 黄金时代(the best years of our lives) best years of our lives, the (1946)
1946 失去的周末(lost week end) lost weekend, the (1945)
1945 与我同行(going my way) going my way (1944)
1944 北非谍影(casablanca) song of bernadette, the (1943)
1943 忠勇之家(mrs miniver) 
1942 翡翠谷(how green was my valley) 
1941 蝴蝶梦(rebecca) 
1940 乱世佳人(gone with the wind) 
1939 浮生若梦(you can[*]t take it with you) 
1938 左拉传(life of emile zola)(10) 
1937 歌舞大王齐格菲(great ziegfeld) 
1936 叛舰喋血记(mutiny on the bounty) 
1935 一夜风流(it happened one night) 
1934 乱世春秋(cavalcade) 
1932 大饭店(grand hotel) 
1931 壮志千秋(cimarron) 
1930 西线无战事(all quiet on the west front) 
1930 红伶秘史(broadway melody) 
1929 翼(wings) 

第七十三届(2001) 卧虎藏龙  
第七十二届 关于我妈妈的一切  
第七十一届 美丽人生  
第七十届 性格;人物  
第六十九届 柯利亚;游子,给我一个爸  
第六十八届 安東尼亚家族  
第六十七届 被太阳燃烧  
第六十六届 美好的年代  
第六十五届 印度支那  
第六十四届 地中海  
第六十三届 希望之旅  
第六十二届 天堂电影院  
第六十一届 征服者佩尔  
第六十届 巴贝特的筵宴  
第五十九届 袭击  
第五十八届 官方说法  
第五十七届 危险行动  
第五十六届 芬妮和亚历山大  
第五十五届 重新开始  卡奇 
第五十三届 莫斯科不相信眼泪  
第五十二届 锡鼓;铁皮鼓  
第五十一届 拿出你的手帕  伯特兰.布里尔 
第五十届 罗莎夫人  
第四十九届 彩色中的黑与白;彩色中的黑白  
第四十八届 德尔苏.乌扎拉  
第四十七届 我记得;想当年  
第四十六届 白昼之夜;美国之夜  
第四十五届 资产阶级的魅力  
第四十四届 悲惨的青春;芬齐-康蒂尼斯的花园  
第四十三届 对一个不容怀疑的公民的调查  
第四十二届 z先生;大风暴  
第四十一届 战争与和平  
第四十届 受严密监视的火车  
第三十九届 先生们女士们;一个男人和一个女人  
第三十八届 大街上的商店  
第三十七届 昨天,今天和明天  
第三十六届 八部半  
第三十五届 星期天和女神  
第三十四届 穿过黑暗的玻璃  
第三十三届 处女之泉;处女泉  
第三十二届 黑人奥菲尔  
第三十一届 我的舅舅  
第三十届 卡比里亚之夜  
第二十九届 街道  
第二十八届 宫本武藏  
第二十七届 地狱门  
第二十五届 被禁止的游戏;偷十字架的孩子  
第二十四届(1952) 罗生门 

in june of 1998, the american film institute celebrated 100 years of moviemaking by publishing a list of the top 100 american films the winning films were selected by 1,500 leaders in the american film community
1 citizen kane (1941) (on vhs)
2 casablanca (1943) (on vhs and dvd)
3 the godfather (1972) (on vhs)
4 gone with the wind (1939) (on vhs and dvd)
5 lawrence of arabia (1962) (on vhs)
6 the wizard of oz (1939) (on vhs and dvd)
7 the graduate (1967) (on vhs and dvd)
8 on the waterfront (1954) (on vhs)
9 schindler[*]s list (1993) (on vhs)
10 singin[*] in the rain (1952) (on vhs and dvd)
11 it[*]s a wonderful life (1947) (on vhs and dvd)
12 sunset boulevard (1950) (on vhs)
13 bridge on the river kwai (1957) (on vhs and dvd)
14 some like it hot (1959) (on vhs)
15 star wars (1977) (on vhs)
16 all about eve (1950) (on vhs and dvd)
17 the african queen (1951) (on vhs)
18 psycho (1960) (on vhs and dvd)
19 chinatown (1974) (on vhs and dvd)
20 one flew over the cuckoo[*]s nest (1975) (on vhs and dvd)
21 the grapes of wrath (1940) (on vhs)
22 2001: a space odyssey (1968) (on vhs and dvd)
23 the maltese falcon (1941) (on vhs and dvd)
24 raging bull (1980) (on vhs and dvd)
25 e.t the extra-terrestrial (1982) (on vhs)
26 dr strangelove (1964) (on vhs and dvd)
27 bonnie and clyde (1967) (on vhs and dvd)
28 apocalypse now (1979) (on vhs and dvd)
29 mr smith goes to washington (1939) (on vhs and dvd)
30 treasure of the sierra madre (1948) (on vhs)
31 annie hall (1977) (on vhs and dvd)
32 the godfather, part ii (1974) (on vhs)
33 high noon (1952) (on vhs and dvd)
34 to kill a mockingbird (1962) (on vhs and dvd)
35 it happened one night (1934) (on vhs and dvd)
36 midnight cowboy (1969) (on vhs and dvd)
37 the best years of our lives (1946) (on vhs and dvd)
38 double indemnity (1944) (on vhs and dvd)
39 doctor zhivago (1965) (on vhs)
40 north by northwest (1959) (on vhs and dvd)
41 west side story (1961) (on vhs and dvd)
42 rear window (1954) (on dvd)
43 king kong (1933) (on vhs)
44 the birth of a nation (1915) (on vhs and dvd)
45 a streetcar named desire (1951) (on vhs and dvd)
46 a clockwork orange (1971) (on vhs and dvd)
47 taxi driver (1976) (on vhs and dvd)
48 jaws (1975) (on vhs and dvd)
49 snow white and the seven dwarfs (1937) (on vhs)
50 butch cassidy and the sundance kid (1969) (on vhs and dvd)
51 the philadelphia story (1950) (on vhs and dvd)
52 from here to eternity (1953) (on vhs)
53 amadeus (1984) (on vhs and dvd)
54 all quiet on the western front (1930) (on vhs and dvd)
55 the sound of music (1965) (on vhs and dvd)
56 m*a*s*h (1970) (on vhs)
57 the third man (1949) (on vhs and dvd)
58 fantasia (1940) (on dvd)
59 rebel without a cause (1955) (on vhs and dvd)
60 raiders of the lost ark (1981) (on vhs)
61 vertigo (1958) (on vhs and dvd)
62 tootsie (1982) (on vhs)
63 stagecoach (1939) (on vhs and dvd)
64 close encounters of the third kind (1977) (on vhs)
65 the silence of the lambs (1991) (on vhs and dvd)
66 network (1976) (on vhs and dvd)
67 the manchurian candidate (1962) (on vhs and dvd)
68 an american in paris (1951) (on vhs and dvd)
69 shane (1953) (on vhs and dvd)
70 the french connection (1971) (on vhs)
71 forrest gump (1994) (on vhs)
72 ben-hur (1959) (on vhs)
73 wuthering heights (1939) (on vhs and dvd)
74 the gold rush (1925) (on vhs and dvd)
75 dances with wolves (1990) (on vhs and dvd)
76 city lights (1931) (on vhs and dvd)
77 american graffiti (1973) (on vhs and dvd)
78 rocky (1976) (on vhs and dvd)
79 the deer hunter (1978) (on vhs and dvd)
80 the wild bunch (1969) (on vhs and dvd)
81 modern times (1936) (on vhs and dvd)
82 giant (1956) (on vhs)
83 platoon (1986) (on vhs and dvd)
84 fargo (1996) (on vhs and dvd)
85 duck soup (1933) (on vhs and dvd)
86 mutiny on the bounty (1935) (on vhs)
87 frankenstein (1931) (on vhs and dvd)
88 easy rider (1969) (on vhs and dvd)
89 patton (1970) (on vhs and dvd)
90 the jazz singer (1927) (on vhs)
91 my fair lady (1964) (on vhs and dvd)
92 a place in the sun (1951) (on vhs)
93 the apartment (1960) (on vhs)
94 goodfellas (1990) (on vhs and dvd)
95 pulp fiction (1994) (on vhs and dvd)
96 the searchers (1956) (on vhs and dvd)
97 bringing up baby (1938) (on vhs)
98 unforgiven (1992) (on vhs and dvd)
99 guess who[*]s coming to dinner (1967) (on vhs and dvd)
100 yankee doodle dandy (1942) (on vhs)

facts about afi[*]s 100 greatest american movies of all time
? citizen kane (1941) was chosen the number one film of all time.
? the films span from 1915 (the birth of a nation) to 1996 (fargo)
? charlie chaplin is the most celebrated actor/director on the list, with three films
? steven spielberg directed five of the 100 greatest american movies, inlcuding the film ranked number nine, schindler[*]s list alfred hitchcock and billy wilder each directed four films on the list ten other directors each directed three in total, 13 directors account for 43 percent of the top 100 films of all time
? marlon brando is the only actor to star in two of the top 10 films
? james stewart and robert deniro are the most represented actors in a starring role, each with five films in the top 100 robert duvall appears in six, including a small role in to kill a mockingbird and character actor ward bond appears in the most films, seven-it happened one night, bringing up baby, gone with the wind, grapes of wrath, the maltese falcon, it[*]s a wonderful life and the searchers
? katharine hepburn is the most represented leading actress, with four films she is followed by natalie wood, diane keaton and faye dunaway, with three films each
? a majority of the 100 great films are classifed as dramas there are 11 comedies, eight musicals, nine war films, eight westerns, four science fiction films, four horror films and two animated films there are four silent films on the list
? the top ten includes movies from every decade, from the 1930s to the 1990s, with the exception of the 1980s the first film on the 100 list from the 1980s is martin scorsese[*]s raging bull, at number 24
? the 1950s is the most represented decade on the list, with 20 films
? the year 1939, which remains the most celebrated year in the history of film, has five films in the top 100-gone with the wind, the wizard of oz, stagecoach, wuthering heights and mr smith goes to washington both 1951 and 1969 have four films each
? the godfather, part ii is the only sequel represented on the list.

afi[*]s 100 years…100 passions
america[*]s greatest love stories
1 casablanca 1942
2 gone with the wind 1939
3 west side story 1961
4 roman holiday 1953
5 affair to remember, an 1957
6 way we were, the 1973
7 doctor zhivago 1965
8 it[*]s a wonderful life 1946
9 love story 1970
10 city lights 1931
11 annie hall 1977
12 my fair lady 1964
13 out of africa 1985
14 african queen, the 1951
15 wuthering heights 1939
16 singin[*] in the rain 1952
17 moonstruck 1987
18 vertigo 1958
19 ghost 1990
20 from here to eternity 1953
21 pretty woman 1990
22 on golden pond 1981
23 now, voyager 1942
24 king kong 1933
25 when harry met sally… 1989
26 lady eve, the 1941
27 sound of music, the 1965
28 shop around the corner, the 1940
29 officer and a gentleman, an 1982
30 swing time 1936
31 king and i, the 1956
32 dark victory 1939
33 camille 1937
34 beauty and the beast 1991
35 gigi 1958
36 random harvest 1942
37 titanic 1997
38 it happened one night 1934
39 american in paris, an 1951
40 ninotchka 1939
41 funny girl 1968
42 anna karenina 1935
43 star is born, a 1954
44 philadelphia story, the 1940
45 sleepless in seattle 1993
46 to catch a thief 1955
47 splendor in the grass 1961
48 last tango in paris 1972
49 postman always rings twice, the 1946
50 shakespeare in love 1998
51 bringing up baby 1938
52 graduate, the 1967
53 place in the sun, a 1951
54 sabrina 1954
55 reds 1981
56 english patient, the 1996
57 two for the road 1967
58 guess who[*]s coming to dinner 1967
59 picnic 1955
60 to have and have not 1944
61 breakfast at tiffany[*]s 1961
62 apartment, the 1960
63 sunrise 1927
64 marty 1955
65 bonnie and clyde 1967
66 manhattan 1979
67 streetcar named desire, a 1951
68 what[*]s up, doc? 1972
69 harold and maude 1971
70 sense and sensibility 1995
71 way down east 1920
72 roxanne 1987
73 ghost and mrs. muir, the 1947
74 woman of the year 1942
75 american president, the 1995
76 quiet man, the 1952
77 awful truth, the 1937
78 coming home 1978
79 jezebel 1939
80 sheik, the 1921
81 goodbye girl, the 1977
82 witness 1985
83 morocco 1930
84 double indemnity 1944
85 love is a many-splendored thing 1955
86 notorious 1946
87 unbearable lightness of being, the 1988
88 princess bride, the 1987
89 who[*]s afraid of virginia woolf? 1966
90 bridges of madison county, the 1995
91 working girl 1988
92 porgy and bess 1959
93 dirty dancing 1987
94 body heat 1981
95 lady and the tramp 1955
96 barefoot in the park 1967
97 grease 1978
98 hunchback of notre dame, the 1939
99 pillow talk 1959
100 jerry maguire 1996

afi[*]s 100 years...100 passions affirms [*]a kiss is still a kiss[*] with gone with the wind, west side story, roman holiday and an affair to remember igniting the top of the list

the american film institute (afi) revealed the 100 greatest love stories of all time last night during afi[*]s 100 years…100 passions, a three-hour special television event. of all the films, casablanca walked in the joint at number one. the 1942 classic starring humphrey bogart and ingrid bergman was followed by gone with the wind (#2), west side story (#3), roman holiday (#4), an affair to remember (#5), the way we were (#6), doctor zhivago (#7), it[*]s a wonderful life (#8), love story (#9) and city lights (#10).

last year, afi[*]s 100 years…100 thrills counted down america[*]s most heart-pounding films and focused on how those films viscerally effect an audience, stated afi director and ceo jean picker firstenberg. this year, afi[*]s 100 years…100 passions celebrates matters of the heart in a whole different way-more heartbreaks, heartaches and hearts bursting with love, rather than heart attacks and hearts in the throat. it[*]s a wonderful and broad list of films and i hope this fifth installment of afi[*]s centennial celebration of cinema will prompt people to watch these classics, either for the first time or the fortieth.

this is the american film institute[*]s list of america[*]s 100 funniest movies, selected by afi[*]s blue-ribbon panel of more than 1,500 leaders of the american movie community.

1 some like it hot 1959
2 tootsie 1982
3 dr strangelove or: how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb 1964
4 annie hall 1977
5 duck soup 1933
6 blazing saddles 1974
7 m*a*s*h 1970
8 it happened one night 1934
9 the graduate 1967
10 airplane! 1980
11 the producers 1968
12 a night at the opera 1935
13 young frankenstein 1974
14 bringing up baby 1938
15 the philadelphia story 1940
16 singin[*] in the rain 1952
17 the odd couple 1968
18 the general 1927
19 his girl friday 1940
20 the apartment 1960
21 a fish called wanda 1988
22 adam[*]s rib 1949
23 when harry met sally… 1989
24 born yesterday 1950
25 the gold rush 1925
26 being there 1979
27 there[*]s something about mary 1998
28 ghostbusters 1984
29 this is spinal tap 1984
30 arsenic and old lace 1944
31 raising arizona 1987
32 the thin man 1934
33 modern times 1936
34 groundhog day 1993
35 harvey 1950
36 national lampoon[*]s animal house 1978
37 the great dictator 1940
38 city lights 1931
39 sullivan[*]s travels 1941
40 it[*]s a mad mad mad mad world 1963
41 moonstruck 1987
42 big 1988
43 american graffiti 1973
44 my man godfrey 1936
45 harold and maude 1972
46 manhattan 1979
47 shampoo 1975
48 a shot in the dark 1964
49 to be or not to be 1942
50 cat ballou 1965
51 the seven year itch 1955
52 ninotchka 1939
53 arthur 1981
54 the miracle of morgan[*]s creek 1944
55 the lady eve 1941
56 abbott and costello meet frankenstein 1948
57 diner 1982
58 it[*]s a gift 1934
59 a day at the races 1937
60 topper 1937
61 what[*]s up, doc? 1972
62 sherlock, jr 1924
63 beverly hills cop 1984
64 broadcast news 1987
65 horse feathers 1932
66 take the money and run 1969
67 mrs doubtfire 1993
68 the awful truth 1937
69 bananas 1971
70 mr deeds goes to town 1936
71 caddyshack 1980
72 mr blandings builds his dream house 1948
73 monkey business 1931
74 9 to 5 1980
75 she done him wrong 1933
76 victor/victoria 1982
77 the palm beach story 1942
78 road to morocco 1942
79 the freshman 1925
80 sleeper 1973
81 the navigator 1924
82 private benjamin 1980
83 father of the bride 1950
84 lost in america 1985
85 dinner at eight 1933
86 city slickers 1991
87 fast times at ridgemont high 1982
88 beetlejuice 1988
89 the jerk 1979
90 woman of the year 1942
91 the heartbreak kid 1972
92 ball of fire 1941
93 fargo 1996
94 auntie mame 1958
95 silver streak 1976
96 sons of the desert 1933
97 bull durham 1988
98 the court jester 1956
99 the nutty professor 1963
100 good morning, vietnam 1987


1.  psycho (1960)
2.  jaws (1975)
3.  the exorcist (1973)
4.  north by northwest (1959)
5.  the silence of the lambs (1991)
6.  alien (1979)
7.  the birds (1963)
8.  the french connection (1971)
9.  rosemary[*]s baby (1968)
10.  raiders of the lost ark (1981)
11.  the godfather (1972)
12.  king kong (1933)
13.  bonnie and clyde (1967)
14.  rear window (1954)
15.  deliverance (1972)
16.  chinatown (1974)
17.  the manchurian candidate (1962)
18.  vertigo (1958)
19.  the great escape (1963)
20.  high noon (1952)
21.  a clockwork orange (1971)
22.  taxi driver (1976)
23.  lawrence of arabia (1962)
24.  double indemnity (1944)
25.  titanic (1997)
26.  the maltese falcon (1941)
27.  star wars (1977)
28.  fatal attraction (1987)
29.  the shining (1980)
30.  the deer hunter (1978)
31.  close encounters of the third kind (1977)
32.  strangers on a train (1951)
33.  the fugitive (1993)
34.  the night of the hunter (1955)
35.  jurassic park (1993)
36.  bullitt (1968)
37.  casablanca (1942)
38.  notorious (1946)
39.  die hard (1988)
40.  2001: a space odyssey (1968)
41.  dirty harry (1971)
42.  the terminator (1984)
43.  the wizard of oz (1939)
44.  e.t. the extra-terrestrial (1982)
45.  saving private ryan (1998)
46.  carrie (1976)
47.  invasion of the body snatchers (1956)
48.  dial m for murder (1954)
49.  ben-hur (1959)
50.  marathon man (1976)
51.  raging bull (1980)
52.  rocky (1976)
53.  pulp fiction (1994)
54.  butch cassidy and the sundance kid (1969)
55.  wait until dark (1967)
56.  frankenstein (1931)
57.  all the president[*]s men (1976)
58.  the bridge on the river kwai (1957)
59.  planet of the apes (1968)
60.  the sixth sense (1999)
61.  cape fear (1962)
62.  spartacus (1960)
63.  what ever happened to baby jane? (1962)
64.  touch of evil (1958)
65.  the dirty dozen (1967)
66.  the matrix (1999)
67.  the treasure of the sierra madre (1948)
68.  halloween (1978)
69.  the wild bunch (1969)
70.  dog day afternoon (1975)
71.  goldfinger (1964)
72.  platoon (1986)
73.  laura (1944)
74.  blade runner (1982)
75.  the third man (1949)
76.  thelma & louise (1991)
77.  terminator 2: judgment day (1991)
78.  gaslight (1944)
79.  the magnificent seven (1960)
80.  rebecca (1940)
81.  the omen (1976)
82.  the day the earth stood still (1951)
83.  the phantom of the opera (1925)
84.  poltergeist (1982)
85.  dracula (1931)
86.  the picture of dorian gray (1945)
87.  the thing from another world (1951)
88.  12 angry men (1957)
89.  the guns of navarone (1961)
90.  the poseidon adventure (1972)
91.  braveheart (1995)
92.  body heat (1981)
93.  night of the living dead (1968)
94.  the china syndrome (1979)
95.  full metal jacket (1987)
96.  blue velvet (1986)
97.  safety last (1923)
98.  blood simple (1984)
99.  speed (1994)
100.  the adventures of robin hood (1938)

1. 精神病患者/惊魂记(1960)
2. 大白鲨(1975)
3. 驱魔人/大法师(1973)
4. 北西北(1959)
5. 沉默的羔羊(1991)
6. 异形(1979)
7. 鸟(1963)
8. 法国贩毒网(1971)
9. 罗斯玛丽的婴儿(1968)
10. 夺宝奇兵(1981)
11. 教父(1972)
12. 金刚(1933)
13. 邦妮和克莱德/我俩没有明天(1967)
14. 后窗(1954)
15. 释放(1972)约翰·布尔曼根据詹姆斯·迪奇小说改编,讲四个城里人到山区度假、遭遇恶劣环境和敌对山民。片中的****段落曾引发激烈争议。
16. 唐人街(1974)
17. 满洲竞选人(1962)
18. 迷魂记(1958)
19. 大逃亡(1963)
20. 正午(1952)
21. 发条橙(1971)
22. 的士司机(1976)
23. 沙漠枭雄/阿拉伯的劳伦斯(1962)
24. 双重赔偿(1944)
25. 泰坦尼克(1997)
26. 马耳他之鹰(1941)
27. 星球大战(1977)
28. 致命诱惑(1987)
29. 闪灵(1980)
30. 猎鹿人(1978)
31. 第三类接触(1977)
32. 火车谋杀案/火车上的陌生人(1951)希区柯克的黑白片,两个人在火车上相遇,互发牢骚之后定下完美杀人计划:分头去杀掉对方妻子。
33. 亡命天涯(1993)
34. 猎人之夜(1955)本·哈勃为了一万块钱杀人,他藏好钱,然后嘱咐两个孩子不要告诉任何人,包括他们的母亲薇拉。不久本被捕,判了死刑。他死后,一个神秘男子出现在薇拉身边,娶了薇拉,原来他是曾与本同房的囚犯。
35. 侏罗纪公园(1993)
36. 警网铁金刚(1968)硬汉警匪片,很多情节成为日后警匪片的公式,史蒂夫·麦昆演英勇警察,奉命保护线人,结果搭档被杀,上司不闻不问。他要既要自己和证人的性命,又要独立对付黑手党杀手和警方腐败分子。
37. 卡萨布兰卡/北非谍影(1942)
38. 美人计/臭名昭著(1946)
39. 终极警探/虎胆龙威(1988)
40. 2001:太空漫游(1968)
41. 肮脏的哈里/辣手神探(1971)
42. 魔鬼终结者(1984)
43. 绿野仙踪(1939)
44. et(1982)
45. 拯救大兵瑞恩(1998)
46. 魔女嘉莉(1976)
47. 人体入侵者/天外魔花/invasion of the body snatchers(1955)这部电影可以说是x档案的鼻祖,讲外星人复制小镇居民,逐渐控制全城。
48. 电话谋杀案(1954)
49. 宾虚(1959)
50. 马拉松人/霹雳钻(1976)男主角是一个喜欢长跑的纽约居民,追查哥哥被杀的事件,最后竟查出纳粹余孽白天使组织的恐怖活动,他们逐个刺杀政府反纳粹小组成员,同时把大批钻石偷运出境,作为军费。片中创造性地把牙科器材做为拷打刑具,效果非常恐怖。
51. 狂牛/愤怒的公牛(1980)
52. 洛奇(1976)
53. 低级小说/危险人物(1994)
54. 虎豹小霸王(1969)
55. 盲女惊魂记/等到天黑(1967)盲女苏茜和丈夫下飞机时,代一位旅客保管一个绒毛玩具。那旅客一去不返。第二天,两名贩毒团伙成员追踪到苏茜家,他们利用她眼盲,一边冒充她丈夫的朋友跟她东拉西扯,一边到处寻找那个装满毒品的娃娃。
56. 科学怪人/弗兰肯斯坦(1931)
57. 总统班底(1976)
58. 桂河大桥(1957)
59. 猿猴星球(1968)
60. 第六感/鬼眼(1999)
61. 恐怖角(1962)
62. 斯巴达克斯(1960)
63. 宝贝简怎么了?(1962)简曾经是小童星,但在长大后失去了观众的宠爱,而她的妹妹布兰琪却成了好莱坞的新星。一次车祸中,布兰琪受伤残废,照料她的责任落在了简的身上。(觉不觉得这故事有点像今年的某条新闻?)
64. 历劫佳人(1958)
65. 十二金刚(1967)
66. 黑客帝国(1999)
67. 碧血金沙(1948)三个在墨西哥的潦倒美国人一起去山区找黄金,他们幸运地找到了黄金,却由此开始互相猜疑,最后所有人都一无所获。汉弗莱·鲍嘉演反派。
68. 万圣节(1978)
69. 流寇志/野人帮(1969)
70. 热天午后(1975)
71. 金手指(1964)
72. 野战排(1986)
73. 劳拉/罗娜密记(1944)一个警察调查凶杀案,却爱上了死去女孩的肖像,随后他发现,被害者并不是她……
74. 银翼杀手(1982)
75. 第三个人(1949)
76. 末路狂花(1991)
77. 魔鬼终结者2(1991)
78. 煤气灯下(1944)
79. 豪勇七蛟龙(1960)《七武士》的好莱坞版本,七个牛仔帮助墨西哥村庄对抗马贼。
80. 蝴蝶梦(1940)
81. 凶兆/天魔(1976)罗马,6月6日早6点,美国外交官的妻子生下一个死婴,为了不让妻子伤心,外交官偷偷抱来同时出生的一个婴儿冒充,婴儿的妈妈难产死了。几年后,婴儿长成小孩的时候,一连串怪事出现了:保姆上吊自杀,神父在意外中被矛刺死。这个小孩就是撒旦之子,只有找到七把麦加度匕首才能杀死他。
82. 地球停转之日(1951)
83. 歌剧院幽灵(1925)
84. 吵闹鬼(1982)斯皮尔伯格编剧的Kong怖片,一家人被鬼骚扰,开始这些鬼好像只是搞搞恶作剧,但它们的游戏不断升级,最后绑架了这家的小女儿。另外,有谣言说,这部电影的后期剪接是斯皮尔伯格完成的。
85. 德拉库拉(1931)
86. 惊魂镜/玉面人妖/the picture of dorian gray(1945)多立安·格雷的一个神秘朋友替他画了一张画像。随后格雷性情大变,抛弃未婚妻,逼她自杀,终日玩乐作孽。他发现,他做的坏事越多,外表越显得英俊年轻,只有那幅肖像越来越丑陋。他把肖像藏到阁楼上,但终于还是有人发现了他的秘密……
87. 魔星下凡(1951)科学家在北极发现外星飞船,把船里冻硬了的外星飞行员带回基地,出乎他们意料的是,这个外星人解冻和恢复得太快了!
88. 十二怒汉(1957)
89. 纳瓦隆的大炮/六壮士(1961)
90. 海神号历险记(1972)
91. 勇敢的心(1995)
92. 体热边缘(1981)
93. 活死人之夜(1968)
94. 中国综合症(1979)核电厂发生事故,碰巧在现场的记者立刻成为杀人灭口的对象。
95. 全金属外壳(1987)
96. 蓝丝绒/蓝色夜合花(1986)
97. 最后保险(1923)哈罗·劳埃的经典无声喜剧,小职员策划一次户外攀楼作为广告,结果事先请的杂技演员没到,他只好自己上阵。挂在钟楼上的片断被成龙原封不动地搬进《a计划》。
98. 血迷宫(1984)科恩兄弟的第一部作品。嫉妒的丈夫发现妻子红杏出墙,雇佣侦探杀掉妻子和她的情人,结果由于误会和贪婪,人越杀越多。
99. 生死时速(1994)
100 侠盗王子罗宾汉(1938)

o.f.c.s 百年百部最佳科幻電影评选结果
2001: a space odyssey named the greatest sci-fi film of all time by the online film critics society
international critics group celebrates a century of sci-fi with list of the top 100 films from the past 100 years

100 star trek iv: the voyage home (1986)
99 slaughterhouse five (1973)
98 escape from new york (1981)
97 time after time (1979)
96 andromeda strain, the (1971)
95 highlander (1986)
94 rocky horror picture show, the (1975)
93 adventures of buckaroo banzai across the 8th dimension, the (1984)
92 men in black (1997)
91 fantastic planet (plan鑤e sauvage, la) (1973)
90 until the end of the world (1991)
89 village of the damned (1960)
88 starman (1984)
87 seconds (1966)
86 thx 1138 (1970)
85 fahrenheit 451 (1966)
84 open your eyes (abre los ojos) (1997)
83 total recall (1990)
82 silent running (1971)
81 on the beach (1959)
80 invaders from mars (1953)
79 existenz (1999)
78 time bandits (1981)
77 akira (1988)
76 dawn of the dead (1978)
75 dead zone, the (1983)
74 star trek: first contact (1996)
73 fantastic voyage (1966)
72 cell, the (2000)
71 mad max (1979)
70 sleeper (1973)
69 things to come (1936)
68 they live (1988)
67 edward scissorhands (1990)
66 quatermass and the pit (a.k.a. five million years to earth) (1967)
65 strange days (1995)
64 superman: the movie (1978)
63 night of the living dead (1968)
62 starship troopers (1997)
61 man who fell to earth, the (1976)
60 them! (1954)
59 tron (1982)
58 thing from another world, the (1951)
57 fifth element, the (1997)
56 stalker (1979)
55 ghostbusters (1984)
54 trip to the moon, a (le voyage dans la lune) (1902)
53 altered states (1980)
52 gattaca (1997)
51 invisible man, the (1933)
50 city of lost children, the (cit?des enfants perdus, la) (1995)
49 independence day (1996)
48 war of the worlds, the (1953)
47 jacob[*]s ladder (1990)
46 time machine, the (1960)
45 star wars episode vi: return of the jedi (1983)
44 fly, the (1986)
43 pi (1998)
42 videodrome (1983)
41 truman show, the (1998)
40 incredible shrinking man, the (1957)
39 frankenstein (1931)
38 iron giant, the (1999)
37 invasion of the body snatchers (1978)
36 donnie darko (2001)
35 dr. strangelove (1964)
34 alphaville (1965)
33 abyss, the (1989)
32 forbidden planet (1956)
31 robocop (1987)
30 star trek ii: the wrath of khan (1982)
29 jurassic park (1993)
28 thing, the (1982)
27 road warrior, the (1981)
26 solaris (1972)
25 a.i.: artificial intelligence (2001)
24 la jetee (1962)
23 bride of frankenstein (1935)
22 king kong (1933)
21 12 monkeys (1995)
20 contact (1997)
19 dark city (1998) 
18 planet of the apes (1968)
17 invasion of the body snatchers (1956)
16 terminator, the (1984)
15 terminator 2: judgment day (1991)
14 day the earth stood still, the (1951)
13 back to the future (1985)
12 matrix, the (1999)
11 aliens (1986)
10 alien (1979)
9 clockwork orange, a (1971)
8 close encounters of the third kind (1977)
7 brazil (1985)
6 metropolis (1927)
5 e.t.: the extra terrestrial (1982)
4 star wars episode v: the empire strikes back (1980)
3 star wars episode iv: a new hope (1977)
2 blade runner (1982)
1 2001: a space odyssey (1968)

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