


rabbit [?r?b?t] n. 兔,家兔

race[re?s] n. 种族,民族;赛跑,竞赛

relay race 接力赛

a race against time 和时间赛跑

race against/with sb 和某人赛跑

radio [re?d???] n. 无线电,收音机

on the radio/by radio 通过无线电

railway[?re?lwe?] n. 铁路;铁道

rain [re?n] 雨,雨水;下雨

rain out 因雨而中断

The game was rained out.比赛因雨暂停举行。

相关词汇: raincoat 雨衣

rainbow 彩虹

rainfall 降雨量

rainless 无雨天

rainy[?re?n?] a. 下雨的;多雨的

raise [re?z] vt. 使升高;饲养

raise one’s eyes 举目观看

raise one’s voice against sb/sth坚决的发言反对某人或某事物

rapid[?r?p?d] a. 快的,迅速的

reach [ri?t?] v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到

get to/arrive in/arrive at 到达

reach one’s hand 伸手

with easy reach of 在容易达到……的地方;在……的附近

read(read, read) [ri?d] v. 读;朗读

He was reading silently to himself. 他正在默读。

read about/of sb./sth. 借助阅读发现某人(某事)的情况

I read about/of her in today’s paper.我在今天的报纸上读到关于她的消息。

read…aloud 朗读

The teacher asked the strdents to read the text aloud after class.老师让学生们在课后朗读课文。

ready [?red?] a. 准备好的

be ready to do sth 准备好/乐意做某事

be ready for sth 为......而准备好

real[ri?l] a. 真实的,确实的

词型转换:realism 现实主义

realist 现实主义者

realistic 现实主义的


realise (美realize) [?r??la?z] vt. 认识到,实现

Only after you lose your health, will you realize the importance of health.


really[r??l?] adv. 实际上; 真,真正; 实在,果真; 事实上;

reason [?r?z?n] n. 原因

receive [r??si?v] v. 收到,得到

receive sth from sb 收到来自某人的某物

receive a letter from sb = hear from sb

recently[?ri?s?nt] adv. 近来地,最近地

record [?rek??d; (US) ?rek?rd] n. 记录;唱片

on record 记载下来的

keep/hold the record 保持记录

break the record 打破记录

red[red] n.a. 红色;红色的

refuse[r??fju?z] vt 拒绝,不愿

regret [r??ɡret] n.

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