调整JavaTM 的I/O性能(二)(zt)

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实际上,将数据写入文件只是输出开销的一部分。另外一个巨大的开销是数据的格式 化。考虑下面的三个例 子,要求其输出如下的行:

The square of 5 is 25

方法 1


      public class format1 {

          public static void main(String args[]) {

              final int COUNT = 25000;

              for (int i = 1; i <= COUNT; i++) {

                  String s = "The square of 5 is 25\n";





方法 2


      public class format2 {

          public static void main(String args[]) {

              int n = 5;

              final int COUNT = 25000;

              for (int i = 1; i <= COUNT; i++) {

                  String s = "The square of " + n + " is " + n * n + "\n";





方法 3


      import java.text.*;

      public class format3 {

          public static void main(String args[]) {

              MessageFormat fmt =

                  new MessageFormat("The square of {0} is {1}\n");

              Object values[] = new Object[2];

              int n = 5;

              values[0] = new Integer(n);

              values[1] = new Integer(n * n);

              final int COUNT = 25000;

              for (int i = 1; i <= COUNT; i++) {

                  String s = fmt.format(values);






      format1    1.3

      format2    1.8

      format3    7.8

最快和最慢之间的差距为6比1。如果该格式没有进行预编译,并且采用了便利的静态方法,第三个程序将更 慢。

方法 4

使用MessageFormat.format(String, Object[])方法如下:

      import java.text.*;

      public class format4 {

          public static void main(String args[]) {

              String fmt = "The square of {0} is {1}\n";

              Object values[] = new Object[2];

              int n = 5;

              values[0] = new Integer(n);

              values[1] = new Integer(n * n);

              final int COUNT = 25000;

              for (int i = 1; i <= COUNT; i++) {

                  String s = MessageFormat.format(fmt, values);







在国际化语言环境中,消息的格式是非常重要的,涉及到这个问题的应用程序通常从一个资源文件中读取该 格式,然后使用它。


RandomAccessFile是用于对文件进行随机I/O存储(在字节层次上)的一个Java类。该类提供了一个与C/C++中 相似的搜索方法,以将文件指针移动到任意位置,然后就可以对从那里开始的字节进行读或写了。 该搜索方法访问底层的运行系统,正因为如此,开销可能非常昂贵。一个稍微廉价的替代方法是,在 RandomAccessFile顶部设置自己的缓冲,并且实现对字节的直接读取方法。用于读取的参数是所需字节的字节 偏移量。下面的例子显示了这是如何进行的:

      import java.io.*;

      public class ReadRandom {

          private static final int DEFAULT_BUFSIZE = 4096;

          private RandomAccessFile raf;

          private byte inbuf[];

          private long startpos = -1;

          private long endpos = -1;

          private int bufsize;

          public ReadRandom(String name)

                      throws FileNotFoundException {

              this(name, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE);


          public ReadRandom(String name, int b)

                      throws FileNotFoundException {

              raf = new RandomAccessFile(name, "r");

              bufsize = b;

              inbuf = new byte[bufsize];


          public int read(long pos) {

              if (pos < startpos || pos > endpos) {

                  long blockstart = (pos / bufsize) * bufsize;

                  int n;

                  try {


                      n = raf.read(inbuf);


                  catch (IOException e) {

                      return -1;


                  startpos = blockstart;

                  endpos = blockstart + n - 1;

                  if (pos < startpos || pos > endpos)

                      return -1;


              return inbuf[(int)(pos - startpos)] & 0xffff;


          public void close() throws IOException {



          public static void main(String args[]) {

              if (args.length != 1) {

                  System.err.println("missing filename");



              try {

                  ReadRandom rr = new ReadRandom(args[0]);

                  long pos = 0;

                  int c;

                  byte buf[] = new byte[1];

                  while ((c = rr.read(pos)) != -1) {


                      buf[0] = (byte)c;

                      System.out.write(buf, 0, 1);




              catch (IOException e) {






如果拥有存储的局部性(在文件中相邻位置的字节可以被同时读取),那么这项技术很有帮助。例如,如果 在已排序的文件中实现二叉树搜索算法,此方法可能很有用。如果在一个大文件中的任意位置进行随机存 储,其价值较小。

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