

'    Function(公有)
'    名称 :   字符串截取函数
'    作用 :    按指定首尾字符串截取内容(本函数为从左向右截取)
'    参数 :    sContent ---- 被截取的内容
'        sStart ------ 首字符串
'        iStartNo ---- 当首字符串不是唯一时取第几个
'        bIncStart --- 是否包含首字符串(1/True为包含,0/False为不包含)
'        iStartCusor - 首偏移值(指针单位为字符数量,左偏用负值,右偏用正值,不偏为0)
'        sOver ------- 尾字符串
'        iOverNo ----- 当尾字符串不是唯一时取第几个
'        bIncOver ---- 是否包含尾字符串((1/True为包含,0/False为不包含)
'        iOverCusor -- 尾偏移值(指针单位为字符数量,左偏用负值,右偏用正值,不偏为0)
Public Function SenFe_Cut(sContent, sStart, iStartNo, bIncStart, iStartCusor, sOver, iOverNo, bIncOver, iOverCusor)
    If sContent<>"" Then
        Dim iStartLen, iOverLen, iStart, iOver, iStartCount, iOverCount, I
        iStartLen = Len(sStart)    '首字符串长度
        iOverLen  = Len(sOver)    '尾字符串长度
        iStart = InStr(sContent, sStart)
        iOver = InStr(iStart + iStartLen, sContent, sOver)
        If iStart>0 And iOver>0 Then
            If iStartNo < 1 Or IsNumeric(iStartNo)=False Then iStartNo = 1
            If iOverNo < 1 Or IsNumeric(iOverNo)=False Then iOverNo  = 1
            iStartCount = UBound(Split(sContent, sStart))
            If iStartNo>1 And iStartCount>0 Then
                If iStartNo>iStartCount Then iStartNo = iStartCount
                For I = 1 To iStartNo
                    iStart = InStr(iStart, sContent, sStart) + iStartLen
                iOver = InStr(iStart, sContent, sOver)
                iStart = iStart - iStartLen    '还原默认状态:包含首字符串
            End If
            iOverCount = UBound(Split(Mid(sContent, iStart + iStartLen), sOver))
            If iOverNo>1 And iOverCount>0 Then
                If iOverNo>iOverCount Then iOverNo = iOverCount
                For I=1 To iOverNo
                    iOver = InStr(iOver, sContent, sOver) + iOverLen
                iOver = iOver - iOverLen    '还原默认状态:不包含尾字符串
            End If
            If CBool(bIncStart)=False Then iStart = iStart + iStartLen    '不包含首字符串
            If CBool(bIncOver)  Then iOver = iOver + iOverLen        '包含尾字符串
            iStart = iStart + iStartCusor    '加上首偏移值
            iOver  = iOver + iOverCusor    '加上尾偏移值
            If iStart<1 Then iStart = 1
            If iOver<=iStart Then iOver = iStart + 1
            SenFe_Cut = Mid(sContent, iStart, iOver - iStart)
            'SenFe_Cut = sContent
            SenFe_Cut = "没有找到您想要的内容,可能您设定的首尾字符串不存在!"
        End If
        SenFe_Cut = "没有内容!"
    End If
End Function

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